четверг, 2 октября 2008 г.

Can progestin only birth control pills cause cystic acne

« ...I have over the years truthfully tried everything to get rid of acne, although some of my problems were situational and seemingly impossible to fix. I have tried all manner of magic creams, tablets and voodoo remedies. In fact if it was suggested standing on my head for 3 days would cure acne, I would most probably have given it ago....
...There are various types methods used to try and repair acne scars. Some are more successful than others,and some are just a complete waste of money. Discovering how to get rid of acne scars is for some people a quest of trial and error....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...1.Use herbs. Herbs have been used extensively for many years to cure various sicknesses and ailments. Many people have likewise successfully treated acne with the use of herbs. As matter of fact, as technology advances, herbalists are able to harness the extracts of herbs to cure skin conditions better than before. You can try using lavender in a face steam at home or use tea tree oil for pimple spots....»
Full Text: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

tags: getting rid of forhhead acne, how to cure acne through diet, new acne scar treatment injections

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