понедельник, 4 августа 2008 г.

Acne prone skin best natural moisturizer and best prescription acne medication

So for those of us who are unable to visit a dermatologist or for those who just can't afford the more expensive acne treatments, here are 6 ways to keep the skin acne-free:
Garlic, ginger and turmeric are the top 3 natural antibiotics. They all have the similar capabilities to improve your immune system and hormonal system as well as effectively kill acne causing bacteria. You can consume them raw or cooked but raw ginger, garlic and turmeric might give out better results while being unacceptable in terms of taste. One of the best ways to serve ginger is by adding it into your cup of tea. Just use your creativity and try to make their taste as acceptable.
A healthy diet is extremely beneficial for the entire body, including the skin. Although it has been ostudied that foods blamed for causing acne actually do not, such as chocolate or greasy foods, it is possible that a bad diet can aggravate acne. So keeping a healthy diet is going to be especially important for acne prone skin.
tags: cetaphil soap helped my adult acne, hard acne like nodules in skin, acne discoloration treatment over the counter

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