понедельник, 4 августа 2008 г.

Facial mask for dry acne prone skin and nature's cure acne

It is very important to prevent dry skin if you want to keep your acne under control. The common misconception of moisturizing being harmful to skin is proven wrong, as you can see so make sure not to skip this step in skin care routine. This will help you to avoid irritated skin. Therefore as much as the skin shouldn't be oily, it also shouldn't be dry. The issue of balance arises here again.
Was acne an issue in the earlier ages? Is acne an issue in the societies where people still live in primitive conditions? Let us think about that. The desire to look good is inherent in all of us. That's is nature's way of proceeding with the specie. Nature wants that males and females get attracted and produce more of their kind so that the specie survives and grows. The desire to look good is inherited since ages. That is the only way to attract the opposite sex. In modern world the stress on other personality factors is increasing but you will still rarely see a celebrity who does not look good.
There's a link at the bottom of this article where you can read reviews on the top-rated acne treatments for this year - you will notice that they all target the causes of acne. It's usually a much better option to try natural acne treatments first before going the prescription route.
tags: how can i rid acne scars, how to know if my acne is getting better, klaron lotion acne

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